Jordan Catalano, love/lust object of Angela Chase in the most rockin' show that never made it to season 2...My So Called Life. LOVE this show. Also, LOVE Jordan Catalano. To call Jordan Catalano my ideal would be a slight understatement. Not even
Jared Leto can compete w/Jordan. It's a close call though. Jordan is that boy you know you had a completely hopeless crush on in highschool. I know I did. But in My So Called Life...Angela actually gets to kiss him. Claire Danes first kiss was Jared Leto...as Jordan Catalano. How completely awesome is that?
Don't get me wrong, Jared Leto is hot shit...he's just not Jordan.
Jordan Catalano would never wear leather pants. He was strictly of the grunge-rock persuasion, being the 90's and all.
You have excellent taste in TV programmes. MSCL was a work of genius. Jordan Catalano is one of the most fascinating characters ever, the kind of person whose thoughts are unfathomable, who is always leaning and closing his eyes, who thinks The Metamorphosis is a true story, who wants to be the man who makes the snow on the mountain top. Jordan is an outsider, an enigma, and one of the greatest of all day-dreamers. He has the potential to be a true poet.