Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend

I appreciate both the song, "Oxford Comma", and the grammar device known as the Oxford Comma. I'm in love with commas in general. I dislike grammatical ambiguity, what more can I say? The song is a surprisingly catchy motherfucker and often gets stuck in my head. Often. I think it's probably about breaking up with a pretentious girl who is constantly correcting everyone's grammar and etc...

Have I dated you, Vampire Weekend?

J/k, my grammar sucketh. Yet, I am still pretty consistent with the Oxford comma.

Hugh gives a fuck.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Band Love

I love when bands cover each other's music. Total band-love.

Even if it's not, like, the best cover ever.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Holes - The Jane Austen Argument

Lyrics written by Neil Motherfucking Gaiman! Love this song with my hole heart (puns! I got puns!) even if it is...extremely sappy and way too easy to turn into a horrible, horrible innuendo. Although, thinking about it now, maybe that was the intention? Anyway, everyone knows I'm a sucker for the ukulele. It's also nice to hear a band making heavy use of a piano again. The Jane Austen Argument is an anti-folk/cabaret duo from Australia. Pretty sure being friends with Amanda Palmer is how they got hooked up with some sweet writing from Neil Gaiman, but their non-Gaiman songs are good as well.

*When I am gone my darling dig me a hole. Let flowers grow above me and wild berries. Then laugh and forget me and before I'm cold, let someone who loves you fill your...hole*

Yeah...that was definitely intentional.