My favorite Xmas present this year (from my Mummy) is Book 4 in the
Sandman series of graphic novels, Season of Mists. Yet another stunning example of how much DC DOES NOT SUCK! Fuckers. Anyway, I don't actually have much more to say about this other than I FUCKING LOVE SANDMAN. Also everything Neil Gaiman touches in general. Including Amanda Palmer (hubba hubba!).

These graphic novels are gorgeous, witty, wise, and just all around phenomenal. Dream is an incredibly compelling character to follow around and kinda fear. My second favorite character has to be Death...because she is frikken sweet and basically what I wanted to look like when I was 16. Ya know, Ankh's and eyeliner. Dream is basically Neil Gaiman with some crazy ass hair sticking all over the place. So, ya know, sexy.
Sandman is perfection and deserving of all of the praise ever. All of it.
Sexy and I know it. |
Why won't you just marry me already, Morpheus? You're fictional? What's that?