Friday, January 27, 2012

Favorite 80's Movies

1. Some Kind of Wonderful - is just wonderful! Mary Stewart Masterson is one of my favorite people.

2. Better Off Dead - Mmm...John Cusack when he was young. I know, the obvious John Cusack favorite is Say Anything, but aside from the stereo over the head scene, I don't really like that one all that much.

3. Sixteen Candles - featuring Molly Ringwald and the hottest guy who never made any other movies. Okay fine, he did make other movies, but not that damn many.

4. Back To The Future - all of them. Honestly, some people get all huffy about the 3rd one, but I love them all. I do love me some time travelling. Who doesn't?

5. Labyrinth - David Bowie and muppets, how could this movie be bad?

6. Terminator - Before he was governor, before the love child, Arnold was a bad-ass time travelling hunka hunka burnin' love/death machine.

7. Willow - just because. I'm pretty sure this was my favorite movie when I was 5.

8. The Lost Boys - Vampires! Not your sparkling vampires, either. These were their much cooler and scarier cousins. Twilight sucks on their balls.

9. Working Girl - Possibly the only Melanie Griffith movie I have ever seen.

10. The Breakfast Club - Because I suppose I have to include it. It is basically the quinisential 80's movie. And Judd Nelson gives me goosebumps of lust. And I own the XXX version...which is hilarious.

I am sad that many of the younger generation I talk to have not seen these great movies. They don't even know who John Hughs is. I mean, I know a lot of them are cheesy to the Nth degree...but that's what's great about them!

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