Thursday, January 12, 2012

Movies I'm In Love With...

I'm feeling a little listy today, so I'm putting my top 10 all time movies, and the reasons why(In alphabetical order):

1. A Clockwork Orange - Deeply, disturbingly fucked up. Also the first movie my Papa made me watch.

2. Amelie -Because what's life without whimsy? This might've been the first subtitled film I ever saw.
3. Blade Runner - Sci-fi cult classic. It's just epic. Need I add Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer???

4. Clerks II - Kevin Smith makes working at a crappy fast food chain look almost fun. He also managed this with a convenience store in Clerks, too bad I know better on both counts. I should really stop modeling my life on Kevin Smith movies. Also, Jason Mews is tasty, tasty.

5. Fight Club - Because it is AWESOME. My favorite movie for the past...oh, since it came out. One of the only movies I can quote with any reliability. Need I mention Edward Norton is my favorite actor and Brad Pitt is just smokin' hot in this flick.

6. Frida - A movie about my favorite artist Frida Kahlo, starring Salma Hayek, one of the hottest women ever. Duh.

7. Jackie Brown - Too many great actors to list right now, but it stars Pam Greer, so obviously it is badass. I'm blown away by how many people have not seen this Quentin Tarantino gem.

8. Pan's Labyrinth - Subtitled. Sad. Creepy. Fairytale-esque. It was made for me.

9. Princess Bride - True Love. It reminds me of childhood and Cassandra. Also it is just hilarious. "My name is Inigo Montoya, you kill my father, prepare to die."

10. When Harry Met Sally - Because it is so true. And I'm not really sure why, but it's my comfort movie. Whenever I have a truly bad day, it perks me up. Also I know it verbatim, so I can put it on and feel free to pass out if I need to.

*side note: remind me to never do a post with that many links ever again.
* 10 points to anyone who knows how many of these movies were based on books/had books made out of them.

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