Monday, December 17, 2012


Gambit (aka. Remy LeBeau) has got to be the sexiest X-Men character in existence. Bold statement, I know, but that Cajun accent has always haunted my dreams. It melts me. How could you not fall in love with that red eyed stare and those ultra-ripped abs? How? Raised by thieves, he also has that bad boy edge no girl can resist. Rogue sure couldn't...

Gambit also happens to have some rad powers, most notably charging, accelerating, and converting kinetic energy. And being really badass with cards. And that...staff. So yeah, mostly he's just a sexy bad-ass, which is more than enough to slay me.

When I found out his character would finally appear in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I nearly wet myself. After watching it...well, they could've chosen a better actor to play him, but whatever. I guess I'll just have to revisit the X-Men cartoons of the 90's (like I don't anyway). It should be noted that he's nowhere near as attractive in X-Men Evolution. Mostly because the voice actor(Alessandro Juliani) sucks. Here's a cool comparison on the voice actors. I prefer Chris Potter and Phil LaMarr.

Okay, maybe Taylor Kitsch was a little yum as Gambit.

And now ends my nerdy rambling, though my obsession with Gambit shall continue.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tryin' To Help - Orson

While watching It's A Boy/Girl Thing on Netflix (b/c I love body swap movies) I was introduced to this song.  Tryin' To Help and Orson in general is just what I've been feeling like listening to lately. A song from a bygone era wherein a band is actually a band, playing instruments and not just digital frakking. Also, they are fun and energetic. Sadly, they are no longer together and only came out with 2 albums.

Here's a bonus vid...because I feel like it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Locked Out Of Heaven - Bruno Mars

So, I don't really like Bruno Mars...but I'm a little crazy for this song right now. Because it feels like The Police.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

This Book is Full of Spiders - David Wong

I am super duper excited because I just checked my mail today (possibly the first time in a month? Idk, there was a lot of mail in there) and finally got my copy of This Book Is Full of Spiders!

As with JDATE, I originally read this when it was available online about 5 years ago. I don't remember what the fuck happened in it though, so re-reading it will be a complete pleasure. Especially since it's in book form and not shitty webpage form. Sorry Jason Pargin, you know it's true.

Anyway, I think I might take a break from my fifty-thousand television shows to actually read a book again. Or, ya know, I'll just read it at work and on the shitter. We shall see. I am super psyched though, and it's very inspiring to see the amount of shit that comes up on Tumblr about the book. this adorable child-thing
So yeah. If you want a dose of awesome-sauce in your life, read this book. Or just resign yourself to a life of "meh". It's your call.